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PATHWAYS through nature

How do we live off nature in Norway? What has hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering meant to people before and now? How is nature managed?

Norwegian wildlife within four walls

​Stories about this can be found in the exhibition PATHWAYS. Does it make you want to take a trip outside? You will get knowledge about how to take care of game, fish, mushrooms and berries with you on the road.

Facts for the hunting enthusiast

Did you know that a moose dog can make the moose stand still? It can last for minutes and hours. The barking from the dog allows the hunter to sneak up on the prey. In the exhibition, you can see a moose bull and a moose dog in the museum's most famous montages from 1972.

Food facts

Did you know that we need the help of lactic acid bacteria to make rakfisk - a Rotten Fish Delicacy. When the bacteria are allowed to break down carbohydrates in a food, lactic acid is formed. It creates an acidic environment in which harmful bacteria and fungi do not thrive. The food becomes more durable and acquires a consistency, smell and taste. People have taken advantage of this, and for a long time before anyone knew that bacteria existed.

Play, knowledge, science and magic...

Through play, science and knowledge about hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering is conveyed as food, sport and joy. The seriousness is also there. Is it right to hunt and fish? Why is biodiversity important? Which species need special protection? Which species are undesirable? How has predatory game been hunted and caught?

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2