The Norwegian Forest Museum
The Norwegian Forest Museum
DirectionsThe Norwegian Forest Museum is a museum for the whole family, devoted to hunting, fishing, outdoor life, and the forest. It is the only museum of its kind in Norway.
Distance to the Norwegian Forest Museum (driving distance):
Elverum Skysstasjon (train and buss station) 2,5 km ( about 4 min)
Hamar 30 km (about 30 min)
Oslo 139 km (about 1 h and 38 min)
Lillehammer 90 km (about 1 h and 17 min)
Gjøvik 85 km (about 1 h and 19 min)
Trysil 73 km (about 1 h and 8 min)
Kongsvinger 94 km (about 1 h and 30 min)